Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society, Juan Junquera, in a meeting with journalists, explained that next week the concourse of the universal service for voice, a mega Internet, telephone booths and for next five years. In this contest has been presented only Telefónica and the administration is now looking at all the documentation presented to issue a ruling before the general election.
Junquera As reported Friday, the proposal establishes a fee Telefónica discharge from the Internet to a megabit per second of 38.1 euros and 19.9 euros monthly payment a month. You pay these 19.9 13.97 euros plus the current fixed line service and the calls you make. In the case of people without any service, discharge would be 121.63 euros and then pay 13.97 per month plus EUR 19.9 Internet. For users who want to run only the Internet to a megabit per second, no phone, the high would be 66 euros and the price of 29.9 euros per month.
Junquera explained that they are maximum prices during the five years of the award of the service, to which VAT must be added. This Internet service has a limit of 5 gigabytes of content per month and thereafter slows down to 126 kilobits per second.
The secretary of state said that Telefonica has been proposed as a maximum cost of service per year , financed by all operators with significant market power, of 74.6 million euros.
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