
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook rectified and changed its name to Salman Rushdie

British author Salman Rushdie has won its battle especially Facebook , a social network that reached off the page of the novelist this weekend antiseudónimos its policy, which requires its 800 million members use real names.

Facebook did not allow the author of The Satanic Verses had a page with your middle name , Salman, but by his first, Ahmed, as published by New York Times.

Thus, Rushdie began his particular anti-social network Mark Zuckerber and railed against it through their Twitter , where it said that Facebook canceled  his account because he did not believe it was him, "Where are you hiding, Mark?" " Give me back my name! "wrote Rushdie.

And it seems that the tweets took effect Salman Rushdie. Facebook responded to the complaints of the writer apologizing and returning your page with the name by which he is universally known, Salman Rushdie .

The British author has declared "Victory!", "Facebook has given" he said in Twitter .


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